The Most Expensive Car Brands to Maintain and Repair is 2013 Nissan GT-R. 2013 Nissan GT-R an estimated maintenance cost of $12,081 for five years, or $2,416.20 per year. That is almost double than the second most expensive car to maintain. The car has a suggested retail price of between $96,820 and $106,320. This attractive coupe boasts of a 3.8-liter V6 engine. It has a below average value rating, while the fuel economy rating is only at 16 miles per gallon for city driving and 23 miles per gallon for highway use.
The Most Expensive Car Brands to Maintain and Repair Image
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2013 Nissan GT-R |
Thirdly Most Expensive Car Brands to Maintain and Repair is 2013 BMW M6 has an estimated maintenance cost of $6,139 for five years, or $1,227.80 per year. The car has a suggested retail price of between $108,350 and $114,650. Buyers of this vehicle can choose from either a convertible or coupe body style.
Maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) or maintenance, repair, and overhaul involves fixing any sort of mechanical, plumbing or electrical device should it become out of order or broken (known as repair, unscheduled, or casualty maintenance). It also includes performing routine actions which keep the device in working order (known as scheduled maintenance) or prevent trouble from arising (preventive maintenance). MRO may be defined as, "All actions which have the objective of retaining or restoring an item in or to a state in which it can perform its required function. The actions include the combination of all technical and corresponding administrative, managerial, and supervision actions."
MRO operations can be categorised by whether the product remains the property of the customer, i.e. a service is being offered, or whether the product is bought by the reprocessing organisation and sold to any customer wishing to make the purchase (Guadette, 2002). In the former case it may be a backshop operation within a larger organization or smaller operation. The former of these represents a closed loop supply chain and usually has the scope of maintenance, repair or overhaul of the product. The latter of the categorisations is an open loop supply chain and is typified by refurbishment and remanufacture. The main characteristic of the closed loop system is that the demand for a product is matched with the supply of a used product. Neglecting asset write-offs and exceptional activities the total population of the product between the customer and the service provider remains constant
The Most Expensive Car Brands Repair and Maintain Type
- Preventive maintenance, where equipment is maintained before break down occurs. This type of maintenance has many different variations and is subject of various researches to determine best and most efficient way to maintain equipment. Recent studies have shown that Preventive maintenance is effective in preventing age related failures of the equipment. For random failure patterns which amount to 80% of the failure patterns, condition monitoring proves to be effective.
- Operational maintenance, where equipment is maintained in using.
- Corrective maintenance, where equipment is maintained after break down. This maintenance is often most expensive because worn equipment can damage other parts and cause multiple damages.
These software tools help engineers and technicians in increasing the system availability and reducing costs and repair times as well as reducing material supply time and increasing material availability by improving supply chain communication.
As MRO involves working with an organization’s products, resources, suppliers and customers, MRO packages have to interface with many enterprise business software systems (PLM, EAM, ERP, SCM, CRM).
One of the functions of such software is the configuration of bills of materials or BOMs, taking the component parts list from engineering (eBOM) and manufacturing (mBOM) and updating it from "as designed“ through "as built”, "as delivered", “as maintained”, and “as used”.
Another function is project planning logistics, for example identifying the critical path on the list of tasks to be carried out (inspection, diagnosis, locate/order parts and service) to calculate turnaround times (TAT).
Other tasks that software can perform:
• Planning operations,
• Managing execution of events,
• Management of assets (parts, tools and equipment inventories),
• Knowledge-base data on:
• Maintenance service history,
• Serial numbered parts,
• Reliability data: MTBF, MTTB (mean time to breakdown), MTBR (mean time between removals),
• Maintenance and repair documentation and best practices,
• Warranty/guarantee documents.
So, The Most Expensive Car Brands to Maintain and Repair is 2013 Nissan GT-R. 2013 Nissan GT-R an estimated maintenance cost of $12,081 for five years, or $2,416.20 per year. Secondly 2012 Chevrolet Corvette has an estimated maintenance cost of $6,456 for five years, or $1,291.20 per year, and thirdly 2013 BMW M6 has an estimated maintenance cost of $6,139 for five years, or $1,227.80 per year.
The Most Expensive Car Brands to Maintain and Repair
Jurnalis NTT